Title: Tarzan Size: 64 cm x 45 cm Location / Date: Berlin 2012 Material Painting / Frame: Oil and chalk drawn on photo carton - canvas with wooden frame Description:…
The Mother of the President
Title: The Mother of the President Size: 42 cm x 64 cm Location/ Date: Berlin 2010 Material Painting / Frame: Oil drawn on a photo frame on wooden frame with…
Man: Brain Walls
Titel: Man: Brain Walls Size: 45 cm x 62 cm Location / Date: Berlin 2012 Material Painting / Frame: 42/5000 Oil photo cardboard on wooden frame with canvas Description: The…
His Granny in Blue
Title: His Granny in Blue Size: 45 cm x 62 cm Location / Date: Berlin 2009 Material Painting / Rahmen: Spray and oil on canvas, drawn on canvas with wooden…
The Head Forester
Title: The Head Forester Size: 67 cm x 48 cm Location / Date: Berlin 2012 Material Painting / Frame: Oil and chalk on a photo frame - drawn on canvas…
Title: Cheers Size: 45 cm x 62 cm Location/ Date: Berlin 2010 Material Painting / Frame: Kreide, Öl auf 23/5000 Photocardon on canvas mit Rahmen gezogen Description:: Is alcohol a…
The Defeated Prize Fighter
Title: The Defeated Prize Fighter Size: 45 cm x 62 cm Ort / Datum : Berlin 2010 Artist / Location / Date: C. Hebell, Berlin, Material Painting / Frame: Oil,…